Master Chang's Martial Arts

2 Locations in Plano

Master Chang's Martial Arts

  • RSVP
  • Waiver

Birthday Guest Confirmation

Please read the waiver below and complete the acknowlegment and confirmation of attendance!


The undersigned acknowledges the existence of certain inherent risks in this type of training and hereby agrees to assume all risks himself. He further relieves Master Chang’s Tiger Den Martial Arts & Ballet, its management, assigned or contracted instructors and his fellow students from any liability resulting from personal injury and/or loss of personal property. The student acknowledges that rules and regulations governing the institute have been adopted and may be changed from time to time, and the student agrees to abide by all such rules and regulations adopted, including the time scheduled for instruction and use of the studio as posted.  At times there may be loud music, flashing lights and flying boards. Occasional photos or videos of class or special event may be taken. Such materials may be used as advertising media. The undersigned waives claim to all model rights whether active or passive.

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